Q&A Interview 4: The Roaring ’20s

Let’s say someone from 1929 walked into 2013. What do you think would stand out to someone from back then about the sonic landscape now?

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/125600756″ params=”color=ff6600″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

TRANSCRIPT: I’m not sure that it would be that different in a way that would be unmanageable to someone from the late 1920s. They’d still be hearing internal combustion engines. They’d still be hearing amplified sound. The content is different but I’m not entirely sure that the physical forces of sound would be new and different in the way that they were when you compare 1890 with 1930. So this is a question I’ve pondered and I’ve often asked people when I’ve talked about my work, ‘Can you think of a fundamentally new kind of sound that we have now that we didn’t have back around 1930?’ And I’m not sure that there really is such a sound but I’m open to hearing people’s ideas.

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